Tabriz – City of friends


On November 2, we enter Iran at Esendere / Sero without any problems. It’s a special feeling to be back on Iranian soil after 4 years. At Iranian customs we are told to get an Iranian license plate. On Saturday morning, we go to the traffic police, then a cab with the very helpful and virtuoso driver “Amin” drives me across the city several times until we have all the necessary “papers” together: Cash exchanged, road tax paid, license plate paid, insurance taken out, etc…. Things move quickly on Sunday morning. The papers are checked and the new license plates are fitted under police supervision.

Incidentally, we have to admit that it is difficult to get hold of cash at the moment. Most Iranians now pay by credit card or smartphone.

Halva Maddr

While I’m on the road with the cab driver, our MAN is parked in front of the Halva Maddr store. Before leaving, we apologize for this, but only receive a friendly smile and are asked to enter the store.
Together with her daughter and son, the “halva mother” produces the typical Iranian “halva” delicacies, which are available in various flavors. Of course we buy some halva, but have to admit that they don’t quite suit our palate. But it was a beautiful and endearing experience.

Lake Urmia

On the way to Tabriz, we cross the 5200 km2 Lake Urmia, which is gradually drying up to become a salt lake. Not because of climate change, but because too much water is being taken from the tributaries to irrigate plantations. Incidentally, Lake Urmia is almost 10 times the size of Lake Constance (140 km long).

Tabriz – City of friends

In Tabriz, we first buy two SIM cards so that we have an Internet connection again. It takes several trips to IRAN-CELL in the city before everything works. Changing money also takes time, as we have to visit several money changers to get enough cash. Fortunately, there is a free parking space just for tourists near the city center and a subway connection.


If you don’t know where, you’ll have to search long and hard to find this store. Here we received excellent and professional service from Fatima & Fatima. Iranian women are often not only pretty, but also very clever, diligent, helpful and friendly.

Laleh Park Shopping Mall

In the meantime, Iran no longer only has bazaars or small shops, but also huge and modern shopping malls in which international brands such as Samsung, Apple etc. are also represented.


Tabriz is probably the most modern and open-minded city in Iran. New developments often spread across the country from here. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why we have the most friends here.

It’s already dark and someone knocks vehemently on our door. Our friends, whom we met in 2019, stand in front of the door with a broad smile.
The get-together in the coming days is warm and lively. We feel very comfortable in their company. It’s almost like a bit of family.

Gifts for guests

Our loved ones even bring us a gift, carnations, a table topper and the best sweets in town.
We carry Swiss army knives, LED flashlights, perfume, cologne, colored pencils and drawing paper as gifts for our guests.


Together we visit the parents-in-law, who have invited us to get together and eat today. Surprisingly, there is always a lot to talk about and we feel very connected to them all. Our big wish is that we can invite them to our home one day or at least see each other again in Iran.

And even more friends

The evening before our onward journey, we have the privilege of getting to know this fine, cultured and loving family. But see for yourself. The pictures speak for themselves.

For us, friends means

participate in life. We do this as best we can from a distance. In any case, it is a great gift to be able to get to know people in Iran and other countries. This enriches travel and our lives and makes us grateful.

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