Outward journey
Shipment from Italy to Greece. Take the ferry across the Dardanelles and along the coast to Allos.
An impressive excavation site. The biblical apostle John lived here and Jesus’ mother could also be buried nearby, as John took her in after Jesus’ death.
We visit Pergamon in the rain, then experience the Aegean coast in kitschy colors.
Miletus and Akbük Bay
Impressive drive to the colossal theater of Miletus, then on to the remote Akbük Bay.
Beautiful beaches, beautifully situated campsite and picturesque little town that caters to tourists.
Over the Kuruova Pass
Beautiful and lonely drive over the Kuruova Pass. The Uyluk Tepesi at 3024 m.a.s.l. is still covered in snow. The road is well developed and paved. Finally we reach Denizli and the Hierapolis archaeological site.
The sinter terraces of Pamukkale are impressive, even though they have been manually intervened in, as the water once dried up due to the construction of a hotel. Then it’s off through beautiful inland landscapes with the archaeological site of Sardis and then back to Greece.