Sultanate of Oman
On December 21, we cross the border into Oman at Al Ain. Both leaving and entering the country are completely relaxed and uncomplicated. It is a wonderful feeling to finally be in Oman, the country that is praised and loved by all overlanders. The Sultanate of Oman is located in the north-east of the Arabian Peninsula. The approximately five million inhabitants live mainly in cities. This makes Oman, slightly smaller than Germany, one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Almost half of the population are immigrants, mainly from India. 95 percent of Omanis are Muslims, predominantly Sunnis and Ibadis. The Sultanate is an absolute monarchy and also has a constitution. The ministers appointed by the Sultan and the two national parliaments only have an advisory function. In recent decades, Oman has developed from a highly backward to a moderately prosperous state. A United Nations report from 2013 names Oman as the country that has improved its social and economic situation the most in the last 40 years.